** Customer Service Lines: For Enquiries call 0700-1-NAFDAC (0700-1-623322), For Complaints call 0800-1-NAFDAC (0800-1-623322) ** Customer Service Lines: For Enquiries call 0700-1-NAFDAC (0700-1-623322), For Complaints call 0800-1-NAFDAC (0800-1-623322) ** Customer Service Lines: For Enquiries call 0700-1-NAFDAC (0700-1-623322), For Complaints call 0800-1-NAFDAC (0800-1-623322)
** Customer Service Lines: For Enquiries call 0700-1-NAFDAC (0700-1-623322), For Complaints call 0800-1-NAFDAC (0800-1-623322) ** Customer Service Lines: For Enquiries call 0700-1-NAFDAC (0700-1-623322), For Complaints call 0800-1-NAFDAC (0800-1-623322) ** Customer Service Lines: For Enquiries call 0700-1-NAFDAC (0700-1-623322), For Complaints call 0800-1-NAFDAC (0800-1-623322)

Food Registration and Regulatory Affairs (FRR) Directorate


The Food Registration and Regulatory Affairs (FR&RA) Directorate is one of the Directorates in NAFDAC with the responsibility of Food registration in Nigeria, carved out of the old Registration and Regulatory Affairs Directorate in the year 2019. 

The Directorate comprises of Five (5) Divisions and the Office of the Director. 

  1. Imported Food and Feeds (IF&F) Division.
  2. Made in Nigeria Food (MNF) Division.
  3. Food Advert Control (FAC) Division.
  4. Food Regulations (FRe) Division.
  5. Packaged Water (PW) Division. 

Imported Food and Feeds (IF&F) Division
is responsible for the registration of all Imported Food and Feeds (Imported and Made in Nigeria).  It comprises of three (3) Units:  Unit 1 (China, Europe, Other Asian Countries and Africa), Unit II (India, The Americas and Austrailia), and Unit III (Animal Feeds). 

Made in Nigeria Food (MNF) Division is responsible for the registration of all made in Nigeria Foods in the Small and Medium/Large Scale categories.   It comprises of three (3) Units: Unit I (Lagos, Oyo State), Unit II (North East, North West, North Central and Ekiti, Osun and Ondo State), and Unit III (Ogun State, South East and South South). 

Food Advert Control (FAC) Division is responsible for the regulation and control of advertisements of foods on all media (Out of Home – OOH, Radio, Television Commercials – TVC, Online – all social media Platforms) to ensure conformance to advertisement regulations and authorizations.  There are two (2) Units in the Division, namely: Unit I (Beverages) and Unit II (Cereals and Others). 

Food Regulations (FRe) Division has the statutory function of drafting and reviewing of food regulations. Providing Technical Comments on National and Internal standards and Codes of Practice.  Hosting and participating in all Food regulatory dialogue in Nigeria.  The Division comprises of two (2) Units: Unit I (Regulations – RU), and Unit II (Good Regulatory Practice – GRP).  

Packaged Water (PW) Division is responsible for registration of all packaged water products in Nigeria.  The Division comprises of two (2) Units: Unit I (Lagos and Ogun State), Unit II (-Other States).  

Directors Office (DO) is comprised of specialized Units tasked with the efficient running and management of the entire Directorate.  They are:  

  1. The Liaison Office of the Director (LOD).
  2. Global Listing Unit (GLU).
  3. Quality Management System (QMS) Unit.
  4. Administration & Human Resource (A&HR) Unit.
  5. DataHub and Archive (DH&A) Unit. 

Food Registration and Regulatory Affairs (FRR) Directorate 
E-mail: foodregistration@nafdac.gov.ng 

Function of the Directorate 
Leads timely and transparent food and animal feeds product registration process to enhance effective regulations and guarantee wholesomeness of food products in Nigeria, and drafting of food related regulations. 

Service Offerings: List of our Processes 

  1. New product registration.
  2. Product renewal.
  3. Additional manufacturing site/source.
  4. Additional packaging material.
  5. Administrative approval.
  6. Advertisement approval.
  7. Application request for suspension of product license.
  8. Change in manufacturing site/address.
  9. Change in package/label design.
  10. Change in packaging material.
  11. Change of brand name.
  12. Change of formulation.
  13. Change of manufacturing site/source.
  14. Change of product name.
  15. Global listing scheme (gls) approval.
  16. Import permit approval to import registration samples for laboratory analysis.
  17. Mock packaging approval to submit laboratory samples for registration purpose.
  18. Notice of renewal approval.
  19. One-off import permit approval for special purpose products.
  20. Pack size extension.
  21. Promotional label approval.
  22. Promotional pack approval.
  23. Provisional registration number (fast track).
  24. Revalidation of import permit.
  25. Revalidation of notice of renewal.
  26. Transfer of license.
  27. Validation of certificates.
  28. Variation approval 

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